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Sabine Horner

After losing my husband to leukaemia, I found myself in completely unchartered waters and faced with many emotional and practical challenges around grocery shopping, cooking and eating for only one person. I discovered the importance of a regular daily meal routine in balancing my emotions and mood and, through my studies, I became aware of the huge impact of emotional stress on our physical and mental well-being. 

I now apply my knowledge and personal grief experience in my work as a nutritionist and yoga therapist and help people who struggle with exhaustion, overwhelm and lack of support in looking after themselves after a major loss to take back control of their health so that they can regain their sparkle and start thriving again.

When you decide to work with me, you will no longer have to pretend to feel okay. You are going to feel better in yourself and, therefore, much more able to deal with the many ups and downs of grief.


Sabine Horner

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