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Michelle Paterson

Get your happy back!


Banish the burnout so you can sleep soundly at night and navigate serenely through your days. Restore your appetite for life rather than surviving on stimulants. Now is YOUR time to thrive.


Do you yearn for the time when you just felt ‘normal’ on a daily basis? The old you, that was confident, fun and full of energy. Are you fed up of waking up at 4am, spending mornings feeling shattered, and dragging yourself through your day with strong coffee? Feeling like you are wading through treacle and just about meeting your basic obligations…but lacking joy in your life?


Perhaps you feel tearful or snappy, overwhelmed with anxiety or that your cotton wool brain just won’t function. Maybe you are feeling bloated and sluggish, reacting to foods but unable to identify the trigger, leaving you scared to eat. Your expanding waistline means shopping for clothes no longer brings any comfort. You are trying to be healthy and eat more fruit but it just doesn’t feel the same as a snickers.


I get it. When your needs are at the bottom of your ‘to do’ list and you are busy looking after others – your own health & wellbeing can take a nose-dive.


I’m Michelle, a Registered Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach. I specialise in working with women in caring roles and professions who are feeling stressed, depressed, or out of balance, and help them to breakthrough their barriers to wellness. Women just like you.


I provide a range of programmes that focus fully on finding solutions. We’ll cover all areas of nutrition and lifestyle that are influencing the symptoms you are experiencing. Most importantly, I will help you find the time and space to implement your plan, at your pace… to get your happy back.


Michelle Paterson

  • 07419 171943


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