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Liz Bortoli

Hi, I'm Liz. I help couples fulfil their dream of becoming parents, naturally. It is my absolute mission to ensure women and their partners feel seen, heard and understood at this particularly vulnerable time. I know this vulnerability as I have lived the journey of unexplained infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss. It took me 5 years to realise my dream of motherhood. A journey that revealed all kinds of health imbalances that the medical model hadn't been able to join up.


I am now proudly a Registered Nutritional Therapist (DipNT with Distinction) having trained at the College of Naturopathic Medicine. I'm a member of the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners (ANP) and the General Naturopathic Council (GNC), as well as being a certified Womb Yoga (fertility/ pregnancy/ postnatal) Teacher and a Mizan Therapist.


I am passionate about changing lives. I have invested years into training so that I can offer the highest quality support at the most important transitional times in my clients' lives. This involves working one-to-one with clients looking for support with fertility and women's health imbalances. I do this by sharing evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle fertility support that is highly personalised and addresses underlying health imbalances that might have been overlooked.


I also adore working in groups via the online programmes I offer, as I love the community spirit it creates to support one another. Everyone's journey is different but we definitely don't have to go it alone. I have your health and happiness covered.

Liz Bortoli

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